Zouk Bass is not even 1 year old yet following that infamous Buraka Som Sistema Boiler Room Session last February! Here’s 10 tracks that have created an impact in that short time. This is not a “Best Of” or even a list of my personal faves, if it were, then the list would be pretty different. It is, as it says, a list of tracks that I personally believed created an “Impact” when they came out, maybe because they were one of the first or for another reason. Some of these tracks might not even be considered as “true” Zouk Bass but were labelled as such. Of course, there’ll be arguments over inclusions and omissions, carry on fighting and call me a douche for missing stuff out ahahahahh 10. Hataah – Sekwe One of the very first tracks to emerge after the Boiler Room Sessions was this one that had everybody going nutz for it. 9. Fellow – Dreamers Following closely behind SaBBo in the race for the first “official” Zouk Bass release was Fellow. Fellow released the second official Zouk Bass EP and it was actually slept on a little bit. It is defintely worth a revisit because it […]